Penguin Watch Talk

Marking flying birds?

  • AvastMH by AvastMH moderator

    Hi Moderators/Scientists - are we marking birds flying past in the distance? I've seen various comments about this.
    thanks for clarity,


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.

    I asked the scientists a few months ago and here is the reply I got from Hila:

    'We do care about possible predation impacts from other birds, so if it seems brown like these, mark as skuas'

    But if you want to make sure, I can ask Caitlin for her confirmation since she was in the fieldwork at that time..



  • AvastMH by AvastMH moderator

    I'm happy to go with this as long as Caitlin knows this is our method 😃


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.

    OK. Caitlin always says that it is better to mark more than less since they can remove the unnecessary marks later.. So if they decided the distanced flying birds are not important they can just simply remove these marks and don't include them in the results. The same for the dead chicks, abandoned eggs... etc.
