Penguin Watch Talk

What do I do with this type of picture?

  • Zoonilessa by Zoonilessa

    Hi, I've gotten several of these. I marked them "I can't Tell" but maybe I should mark "No animals present?" Thanks for your help.


  • gardenmaeve by gardenmaeve moderator

    Well, when we look at it we can't tell anything, can we? It's completely obscured- by snow, in this case. So FAQs 1st AL, 3 asks you to mark as "I can't tell". This is how we help weed out this kind of image. Please do take time to go through FAQs. Even those who've been working with us for months have found that information very helpful.

    PS- So the short answer is you marked it exactly right. 😉 You don't know if there are animals or not so no other answer is logical.


  • Zoonilessa by Zoonilessa

    Ok,thanks. Got the FAQs posted in separate window now.


  • Zoonilessa by Zoonilessa

    I would just like to add though, that strictly speaking, there are no Penguins in the image.perhaps it would be better to ask if there are penguins present at the site. That was the root of my question.


  • yshish by yshish moderator, translator in response to Zoonilessa's comment.

    Hi @Zoonilessa I got your point but I disagree 😃 They can be there just not distinct enough. That's why you cannot tell. It always depends on individual image. Many of them do show some penguins but they are too blurry to be recognized or are very dark/light to be told apart from the background. You simply cannot tell from the pattern displayed in this particular image - the grey part actually could be a penguin. No one knows. Does it make sense to you now?
