Bug list
by yshish moderator, translator
Here is a list of reported bugs which haven't been fixed yet.
1] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0003ex3 - there can't be selected a species for Other on an iPad
2] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001iy4 - images on the classification page can't be zoomed in the settings of browsers, they can be zoomed only in the talk.
3] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001mvp - crosses can't be removed when using a touchscreen
4] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001iy4 - the 'Hide old marks' button doesn't work in Firefox
5] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0002js7 - animals from the others list can't be selected
6] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ000134g - animals on the right margin can't be marked, the cursor doesn't permit to do so
by brian-c admin in response to yshish's comment.
Thanks so much for compiling these @yshish. Really helpful to have a list.
Working on a fix for this right now.
We know about this, but it might not be solved any time soon.
Should be fixed already.
Can't reproduce this. Shouldn't be any problem, the "hide old marks" feature doesn't do anything particularly clever. I'll keep my eyes open for any other reports.
Looks like this person was just missing the "OK" button, or they were on an iPad.
Super weird, can't reproduce this right now either. I'll try with more browsers, but it might just be a one-off problem due to a plugin or something.
Thanks again!
by yshish moderator, translator
Updated list of issues:
1] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0003ex3 - there can't be selected a species for Other on an iPad
2] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001iy4 - images on the classification page can't be zoomed in the settings of browsers, they can be zoomed only in the talk.
4] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001iy4 - the 'Hide old marks' button doesn't work in Firefox
6] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ000134g - animals on the right margin can't be marked, the cursor doesn't permit to do so
New ones:
7] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ000020g?page=1&comment_id=54280d3fd660277213000241 - where it asks "Are there any penguins present?" it doesn't always take the click and then goes to the "Thank you" page. (When you don't choose any option and click on the 'OK' button, it behaves the same as if you have classified it. I think that it would be better to set, that when you don't choose any option it won't let you go on.)
8] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ000020g?page=1&comment_id=542877c6d66027486000019d (the same thread as 7], but different issue) - a Back button issue
9] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0000w20 - It still counts '1 egg' after deleting its mark in the classification.
10] http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0002mpo - apparently have 1 egg marked but can't find the yellow cross to delete it (the issue appeared several times)
by uxia
I have several times accidentally hit the No animals present button. Can there be a back button before the "Do you want to discuss this".
by BellisP
Hi. I think the missing yellow cross (for bug 10) might be because it has accidentally been dragged off the screen. I did thisby mistake and although the centre of the cross had gone out of the picture the circle was still just showing, so luckily i could pull it back. (then i tried if it was possible to drag it a bit further, off the photo entirely, and it does still show as a numbered mark. hope this helps
by yshish moderator, translator
Updated list of issues (Please, let me know if some of them have been already solved.):
1] link to the discussion - there can't be selected a species for Other on an iPad - Has it been already solved?
2] link to the discussion - images on the classification page can't be zoomed in the settings of browsers, they can be zoomed only in the talk.
3] has been SOLVED
4] link to the discussion - the 'Hide old marks' button doesn't work in Firefox - Has it been already solved?
6] link to the discussion - animals on the right margin can't be marked, the cursor doesn't permit to do so. New report from today: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0001tov - NEEDS TO BE SOLVED!
7] link to the discussion - after the classification, when it asks you "Are there any penguins present?" it doesn't always take the click and then goes to the "Thank you" page. (When you don't choose any option and click on the 'OK' button, it behaves the same way as if you have classified it. I think that it would be better to set, that when you don't choose any option it won't let you go on.) - NEEDS TO BE SOLVED! It concerns all the questions in the classification. When you don't chose whether you have marked all penguins or there were too many of them and just click OK, it takes you to the thanks-screen as well. I don't find this very helpful for the scientists. (Except for the list of other animals, where it could be useful for marking the other animals like reindeer or seals which are not listed.)
8] link to the discussion (the same thread as 7], but different issue) - a Back button issue
9] link to the discussion - It still counts '1 egg' after deleting its mark in the classification.
10] link to the discussion - apparently have 1 egg marked but can't find the yellow cross to delete it (the issue appeared several times)
11] link to the discussion - 'I've realized that the talk-magnifier area has become much smaller (and to be honest, I don't like it as much). Here is a screenshot. It was much better before, since I can't properly zoom the image while answering question now'.
12] Few users have been reporting repeating of images in the classification. One example: link to the discussion. I got some repeated ones as well (here's a proof: a screenshot from my 'recents').
I would appreciate some feedback from the developers:) Thank you guys!
by camallen admin, scientist
Hi @yshish,
Regarding duplicate images (subjects), there may be some which have been created twice in the system but the chance is pretty slim. To investigate it i'll need the subject Id's from your recents. Can you provide the links to 'duplicate' subjects, specifically via the subject ids. If the subject id's are the same then it's a duplicate image.
One scenario that could cause this is a user gets and image and clicks ok without defining if there are animals in the picture. The system will not record this as seen by the user. Finally a user may then go onto to talk and leave a comment thus providing more evidence they have "seen" this image. The terminology is duplicated here, what our API regards as seen is when a classification has been submitted by a user. A user regards seen as anything they've actually witnessed. Finally it may be the case that they have actually submitted a classification for this image as well.
Thanks for all the hard work here!
by yshish moderator, translator
Hi @camallen ,
Thank you for your feedback!
As for the repeating images from my screenshot, both have the same subject ID: APZ000361u. Are you able to figure out whether they were classified twice by me or just once? I can ask the other users for the subject IDs of their ones, but I'm not sure whether they're able to find them out in their recents 😕 I was lucky they were next to each other so it was obvious..
Btw, images on the Plankton Portal have been repeating for sure (and it is not for the firs time now). I get only 10 of them and all keep repeating. I've had each of them 5 times and then I stopped classifying and reported it to some of the developers. Other two moderators have the same issue there. So I believe it can happen here as well.
by yshish moderator, translator
As for the issue number 7], another user appeared with such a problem link to the discussion, after clicking on the YES button (for the 1st question) it jumped to the 'Your classifications have been recorded' page.
by gardenmaeve moderator
I'm encountering two new issues:
1- the "Recent" page won't load. This just started this morning for me.2- Please, whatever changes have been made to the "Other" pop-up, reconsider. It now flashes once in the top left corner of the screen before loading whereever I am selecting an object from the menu. The flash triggers migraines and in some, seizures. I use Firefox.
by Nickypeng moderator
I have been having the same issue with the "Recents" page for at least 3 or 4 days. But it is intermittent -sometimes it does work.
But no problems with the "Others" pop-up - that seems to be working fine
I am using Chrome.Posted
by DZM admin
It seems to be a Zooniverse-wide problem that sometimes a page on Talk (any page) just refuses to load...
by yshish moderator, translator in response to gardenmaeve's comment.
Hi @gardenmaeve
Thanks for reporting the bugs.
As for the 1- The developers know about this issue (it is a very old one). Sadly, nothing can be done with it now 😦
As for the 2- I can see it in my browser (Chromium, Ubuntu) as well: the 'cancel' symbol (cross in a circle) flashes once right after I click on the 'other' button in the top left corner (not the whole list with options as I expected).
Keep reporting when you notice some other issue.
Thank you!
by yshish moderator, translator in response to yshish's comment.
As for the 2- Now the whole list of others pops up in the top left corner, not only the cancel symbol.
"Do you want to talk about this image?" adds an unnecessary click after each image, which could be better spent classifying.
Instead, put a link that opens in a new window next to each image.
Similiarly, I'd say make yes/no/can't tell links - one click instead of two.
by BellisP
Don't agree with this personally. I think those extra clicks are helpful to the overall process. There are often comments saying people have missed a bird, or incorrectly clicked yes instead of no, or similar. The extra clicks give a chance to use the back button and so a little bit more time for reflection and increases accuracy. Most photos have >30 birds, and so a lot of clicks and I'd say the main thing which determines how quickly you can move through classifying the photos is how many birds you click. One or two more isn't taking up much percentage of overall time and I think the extra precision is probably more important to the project than fractionally increasing people's speed.
Also encouraging people to talk is a) how to get them to understand better by talking about how to do the classifying (which I think is very necessary given that the tutorial is extremely basic tbh, not having any FAQs, and the discussion boards not being that intuitive either) and b) its generally a good thing to get volunteers talking as it helps them feel part of something, gives them feedback, and generally motivates them to stay interested (all of which we have @yshish to thank for).Posted
by yshish moderator, translator in response to BellisP's comment.
Totally agree with that.
by Nickypeng moderator in response to yshish's comment.
Re the bug mentioned about with things flashing in the top left corner - I am now getting a flash of the whole "others" menu also at top left.
But I am now getting a flash when I mark adults, chick and eggs. Its a quick flash of the orange/green/yellow circle which appears at the very top left corner, where the date is in most photos.
I am using Chrome.
by Nickypeng moderator
But like all good bugs, it's intermittent. It doesn't happen all the time, and on some photos it doesn't happen at all.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to Nickypeng's comment.
Thank you, @Nickypeng
The developers has been working on fixing the flashing bug these days. I'll let them know it's getting worse:]
Thank you!
by Ips
today, I am encountering a sudden bizarre bug: Instead of the usual texts being displayed, I get only short tags. For example, instead of asking me if any animals are present, it just says: "anyAnimals" with the choices being "yesAnimals", "noAnimals" and "cantTellAnimals". I can work with this, but I am sure it is not supposed to be like this and it wasn't before!
I use Firefox. The version was updated yesterday, so that might have something to do with it. If so, others should experience the same problem.Posted
by yshish moderator, translator in response to Ips's comment.
Thank you for the report. I'll inform the developers. (I have no such a problem when using Chromium or Fire fox for Ubuntu.)
Sorry for the troubles.
by DZM admin
Hi lps, I'm not able to replicate this problem in Firefox either... Is it still happening? Could you please send a screenshot?
Thank you!!
by yshish moderator, translator
OK, I have got the issue too but just in the list of Other animals. It offers me: choices.snowySheathbill; choices.southernGiantPetrel; etc.
Here is the screenshot.
By the way, the offer flashes in the top left corner always when I mark any Other animal (the issue's already reported).
Edit: I haven't updated any of the browsers for some time.
by yshish moderator, translator
I have problems in both - chromium and firefox. Morevover I can't see the comments I write in the Firefox.The letters are white. Most probably. I have a record for you!
by Ips
Here is a screenshot taken yesterday:
But the good news is that, in my case at least, the problem is solved and all is back to normal!Posted
by DZM admin
Yes,I think that we did manage to get that fixed, at least!
That's pretty surreally funny, actually. Are you yesAnimals or noAnimals? 😃
by yshish moderator, translator
Yes, I got a confirmation from the developers that the bug is fixed. 😃
by yshish moderator, translator
The SEARCH stopped working. Whatever I write into the text field I get no results displayed but either the report '0 results' doesn't appears! It just does nothing. I even tried to click on some hash tags like #Macaroni and nothing happened. Anyone else with that problem?
by yshish moderator, translator
Here is a report of a new issue - the BACK button doesn't work properly and makes the classification impossible: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ000062p?page=1&comment_id=54b95cfcbb7b56792300002c
by Keppel
Getting duplicate pictures
by yshish moderator, translator in response to Keppel's comment.
Hi @Keppel,
Thanks for reporting. Please, could you confirm, that the image ID numbers (address of the images) are for both of them the same? If so, please, sent them to me so the developers can look on that and fix.
Sorry for that happening,
by yshish moderator, translator
Hi moderators! May I ask you for a little help?
I've just moved a thread from the Chat board to the Science board and then decided to edit my last thread there.. but it didn't let me to do it. The 'edit' button just didn't work. I had to enter the thread once again and then it worked.
Could you please try to do the same from your account? Please, move any thread with your post under a different board and then edit the post. Then move the thread back to the original board of course and let me know whether you had the same issue or not.
Thank you !!
by AvastMH moderator
oh - right - I hate these boards - but I'll give it a go! 'None but the brave!'
by AvastMH moderator
Oh - you are right. Just moved 'loo break' to Help/Objects, and could not edit it. I moved it back to Chat/Object, and still no edit 😦
by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.
Great, that is a sufficient proof for me to report this one! :] Thanks for your brave cooperation!
by DZM admin
Having a look at this... No promises (Talk is buggy in general) but we'll see what we can do!
by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.
Thank you! (We're aware of that)
by DZM admin
Could you guys try something for me? One of those topics that you can't edit... could you lock it and then unlock it, and see if it becomes editable?
A dev tells me that might get it tow rok. It's not an idea solution, but it might do for a workaround for now?
by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.
Oooops, I tried what you asked for and the discussion thread has broken 😦 It didn't work so I moved the thread back to the original board. Now all the older comments except the last one are unaccessible! I can see them in the thumbnails but cannot display them. There's just the last post: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000002/discussions/DPZ000075v?page=2&comment_id=54eb6a066975264e23000303
by yshish moderator, translator
I'm only able to see the comment I was replying in the last (the only visible) one when I click on the title of my post. Hope the older comments can be bring back 😦 since it shows there's just one post by two participants! So scary..
by DZM admin
... oh, goodness. Okay. I'll let the devs know. Talk can be a bit of a house of cards at times... !
by bumishness Zooniverse Team
Can you tell me what thread is the one in question, just so I'm clear?
by DZM admin
by yshish moderator, translator in response to bumishness's comment.
Of course I can. Here you are: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000002/discussions/DPZ000075v?page=2&comment_id=54eb6a066975264e23000303
This is how the thread displays to me (note that there's only 1 page with 1 post visible however the only post is a reply to another one!):
And here are screenshots with thumbnails of the older posts which don't display anymore in the thread (all those ones with red marks):
Thank you!
by AvastMH moderator
I think I have a new bug. I renamed my 'Chicks with dirty faces' collection. and all the pictures went missing. I cried - they were great pictures. Might have them on a notepad list. But very miserable. 😦
by DZM admin
... So sorry. Let me see what I can do... we might be able to recover it. Don't go anywhere!
I'll try to get someone to take a look tomorrow...
Do you have the URL of the collection, by chance?
by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.
Uf, that's really scary! I'm used to rename my collections pretty often but nothing has ever disappeared. I'm pretty sure that the developers will be able to bring them back.
Keep your chin up, Joan. Everything's gonna be fine 😉
by DZM admin
If by any chance you have the URL of the collection, still, that will probably be extremely useful in helping us retrieve it! 😃
by yshish moderator, translator
Joan, was it this collection you have renamed? http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/collections/CPZS0000qi
by AvastMH moderator
Thanks DZM and yshish, yes http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/collections/CPZS0000qi is that collection. But those three images are not the originals. I'm pretty sure that I lost this image amongst others:
http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/subjects/APZ0002p4nI kept a load of references in a notepad by coincidence so I'll be able to retrieve some images that way. I think I lost about 5/6 when I changed the collection's name. So it wasn't a huge loss I guess.
Thanks for trying to unscramble this one. I could try to replicate the problem with a dispensable collection as guinea pig 😃
by AvastMH moderator
Well I've tried to make the fault happen again using this thread: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/collections/CPZS0000qk but no luck. Weird. I suppose it is possible that I did something strange, but I don't recall hitting the 'delete' button 😕 and it is well out of the way. 😕
by DZM admin
@bumishness has told me to harass him about this today, so I intend to. 😃
by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.
Great! Thank you 😃
And may I know whether he's able to bring back the posts which have disappeared from this thread after moving it under another board? http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000002/discussions/DPZ000075v?page=2&comment_id=54eb6a066975264e23000303
by ilofog
I have reviewed over a dozen photos, with the submission confirmation each time, yet my account tells me I'm not associated with any projects and I can't see how many I have reviewed. I tried to "favourite" a few just to check, but I can't see these anywhere either. I'm not getting any error messages.
Would someone be able to check whether my classifications are actually being submitted?
Thank you.
by Noharrr
My image classifications don't seem to be being registered, and my log-on to Penguin Watch doesn't seem to be connecting with my Profile page.
I'm signed in (shown in upper right corner of screen, as usual). I classified a batch of images (probably 15 -20), including several favorites,and a few comments with #hashtags, yet my Profile page shows "No recents" and "no favorites" . Penguin Watch does not show up on my list of projects (21 of 'em, but should now be 22). I have tried logging out and then logging in again, but still the same problem.
In summary, the screen shows that I am logged in and classifying, but in effect, nothing that I do appears to be going anywhere.
Is this a bug? Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?
I joined ZOO when there were just over 600,000 participants and have worked on a wide variety of projects. I only encountered a similar problem once before, with "What's the Score?" music project.Posted
by Nickypeng moderator
Craftymonster has also had some similar sounding problems
http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000003/discussions/DPZ0000aihDZM - can you please get this looked at urgently as people want to be sure their counting is being recorded properly for the competition
by Nickypeng moderator
Yshish - can we delete some of the earlier posts in this thread about bugs that have been fixed? Or just replace it with a new discussion? Its getting a bit long and a lot have now been fixed
by yshish moderator, translator in response to Nickypeng's comment.
Hi guys,
There are similar problems with displaying "Favoutires" at other Zooniverse projects too so I am sure it is a bug. Hopefully the classification is being recorded and the problem is in the displaying only. Will inform the developers and ask them for a quick fix!
Thanks for reporting!! Could you please try to log in from a different computer or try another browser and let me know whether something has changed? What OS and browser do you use? Thanks!!
Nicky, I could make a new thread for fixed bugs - since I want to keep them recorded somewhere so we could check if they appeared again in future. And we could have only the new -unfixed- bugs here. Would it be helpful for you? 😃
I have noticed some emails from you and Joan but I am very busy today and have to go offline in a coule of minutes. I will reply them at night when I come back. Sorry!
by ilofog
Thank you for looking into this. I'm on Firefox 37.0.2, Win7 32bit. Same issue on IE 9.0.8112.16421 (also on Win7 32 bit) and on Android 4.3/Firefox 37.0.2.
by DZM admin
What is the status of these bugs as of right now? I've been trying to get the API repaired and it seems like many similar bugs have repaired themselves on other projects since this morning.
Is this still a crisis, the "favorites" view and classifications not showing up?
Is Safari on OS X fully supported?
Every time I want to discuss/collect an image, I have to log in again. This occurs even if I keep Talk open in one tab while classifying images in a second tab. This has been happening, across all Zooniverse projects, for over a year. It's a bit inconvenient. I do not have this issue with Firefox.
I am currently using Safari 7.1.5 on OS X 10.9.5 (but have used many other versions of both in the past)
by AvastMH moderator
Thanks for posting craftymonster. This is just to acknowledge your query, we have folks here who will be able to help, so watch for their posts! Thanks for letting us now about this bug.
by AvastMH moderator
Opps! just checked the chat thread - looks like you sorted - hurrah! 😃
by ilofog in response to DZM's comment.
It's working now (for me at least), thank you for sorting it out.
Hi Avast, thanks for the heads up. Just to clarify, the issue with Safari has not been resolved.
The issue I posted about in the chat thread has been fixed, many thanks to those who got it sorted!
by AvastMH moderator
Hi DZM, Looks like there's an outstanding bug in 'Safari' from craftymonster's comment above- is there anyone there who might resolve this please?
Many thanks,
by DZM admin in response to AvastMH's comment.
Hi Joan,
I cannot replicate this bug in Safari. (For a split second, I appear logged out, but then I am logged back in with no action necessary on my part, which seems normal.) Could someone else please try Safari and tell me if they get logged out after commenting in Talk and then returning to classifying?
This will help us narrow down if this is a Safari issue or an issue specific to @craftymonster ...
Thank you!!
by eatyourgreens translator in response to DZM's comment.
Hi Darren,
I can't reproduce this with Safari 7.1.5 on Mavericks either. I counted some penguins, submitted a classification, went to talk, came back to the classifier and remained logged in throughout.
Hi guys, thank you so much for testing. I'm not sure I was specific enough with my Safari bug, so here's a detailed workflow that triggers the problem.
I do not get logged out of Classify after visiting Talk and returning to Classify, but I do get logged out of Talk when I leave. I also get logged out of Talk every time I visit Talk.
Example 1 - single window/tab:
Click 'Yes' from Classify, proceed to Talk, log in to Talk. I can 'Return to classifying' without being logged out of Classify. I will only be logged out of Talk, the next 'Yes' requires me to log in to Talk again.Example 2 - multi-tab:
Tab1 - Classifying / Tab2 - logged in to Talk (from a previous collect/discuss/browse)I can switch between the two tabs, browse Talk, and remain logged in. I always stay logged in to Classify, unless I close Tab1.
Click 'Yes' from Classify (Tab1), open Talk in new tab (Tab3). Even though I'm logged in to Talk in Tab2, I have to log in again on Tab3 (same behavior as EX1). If I refresh Tab2 before logging in on Tab3, I'm logged out of Talk on Tab2. Session issue, perhaps?
This has been ongoing, at least as far back as late 2012 (and the Snapshot Serengeti launch). I was using Snow Leopard and Lion at the time, clean installs, no migrating of previous data/prefs. The only Safari Extensions I use are Google Analytics Opt-out, AdBlock, and 'Save to Pocket'. I also have 'do not track' and 'block 3rd party cookies' enabled in Safari Prefs.
I appreciate the time you are taking to sort this out. Hopefully it is just me, I can use FireFox, but prefer Safari.
by DZM admin
The only Safari Extensions I use are Google Analytics Opt-out, AdBlock, and 'Save to Pocket'
Can you disable them briefly and see if the problem still happens? Extensions are our number one culprit for bugs that only one person is reporting.
Hi DMZ. I created a new OSX user account, and tested Safari with default preferences and no extensions. Sadly, it's the same behavior.
In addition, the first time I left Classify to discuss on Talk (log in to Talk), and clicked 'Return to classifying', I was logged out of Classify (page refresh didn't fix). The second time I clicked through to Talk, I did stayed logged in to Classify, but I had to log into Talk again (the norm for me).
Thanks again for your help!
by DZM admin in response to craftymonster's comment.
Bleh. Unfortunately, I don't know how much we can do about this. If only one person is reporting the issue, and we can't replicate it, there's no real way to test and figure out what's going on, because there's no way to really rule out any local issues. If anyone else reports Safari-specific problems, we can look at this and figure out the common thread, but as is... I may just have to ask you to use Firefox for PW at the moment. 😕
Sorry. I know this isn't ideal. Trying to fix what we can...
by AvastMH moderator
That's horrid - I just got that flash of the list too. It happens as the proper list opens up.
Happening on Firefox & Chrome. HOWEVER on IE you get a flash of the blue cross with a white 'X' inside it and just below that a number zero in white in a black box rather than the whole list.
Hope this helps 😃THIS IS STRANGE...I thought I had replied about a message from craftymonster (or was it gardenmaeve?) about flashing 'other' lists. Hi Zuzi.,..can't get a screen shot because it is so quick I can't catch it....sigh! 😦 This should be in http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ00001w5 so I'll repeat it there. Sorry!
by craftymonster in response to DZM's comment.
No worries, I appreciate the help and troubleshooting! This hasn't prevented me from participating in any of the Zoos. It is odd that the log in issue has persisted through two Macs, and three major versions of OS X, freshly installed on brand new drives, with no data migration to muck things up.
Ah well, it must be gremlins!
by yshish moderator, translator in response to AvastMH's comment.
Screenshot would be more helpful for them.. I think.
by craftymonster in response to DZM's comment.
I tested my log in issue on my iPad Air2 (iOS 8.2). Mobile Safari logs me out of both Classify and Talk when I go back and forth between them, so it behaves worse than the desktop version. But, iCab Mobile 8.8 works flawlessly, which makes no sense. I'm not trying to be a pest, just wanted to ask, is it possible that my Zooniverse account could be the culprit?
by yshish moderator, translator
PLEASE READ, everyone!
If you see an image with the shaded zone placed in the foreground or on the sides (not in the background as it should be), please, do report those images! Wee need to know their ID number (the address of the image) to correct that.
This is an image from the site where the wrongly placed shaded zone has be reported the most often:
APZ0004eafPLEASE, REPORT THEM UNDER THIS THREAD: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ0000c2c
Many thanks,
by mkmcguir
ok! I have seen some like this 😦
by mhwallace01
BUG: FAQ opens in same window as classification
when I try to look at FAQ WHILE I am classifying photos, it opens in the same window, and I lose all of my work on that photo. FAQ, Discussion, community, should all open in different/new windows so we don't lose people's work, please. Also, sometime my session is lost while I am in the midst of classifying lots (over 100) penguins, this means that my work is lost. What can be done to help us save along the way if we want to mark lots of penguins?? Cheers, Michelle
by mhwallace01
need a link from TALK penguin watch back to home and to classifying. Some pages have return to classifying, but that is sporadic.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to mhwallace01's comment.
Hi Michelle,
I've reposted your bug message to Darren from Zooniverse(DZM user) and replied to your private messages. Please,send me the details I've asked you for.
Not sure what you meant by the request of having a link back to the classification from the Talk, it is the blue button on the right side of the top menu. But you're right that there is no direct link to the Home page of the PW from the Talk (which I miss too)!
Hope I understood your question correctly.
by DZM admin
I'll try to get at least the FAQs opening in a new tab. This isn't any sort of browser bug. I think I just forgot to ask the dev to make that open in a new tab!
In the meantime, please just hold the control, shift, or command keys to open in a new tab/window if you need to click the FAQs. 😃
by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.
Hi, the bug was about something else: her classifications get lost during the classification, like after marking a hundred of penguins. I didn't understand what exactly happens but since it wasn't just once, I guess it is a bug to be fixed!
Anyway, many thanks for making the FAQs opening in a new tab!!!! 😃
by DZM admin in response to yshish's comment.
Hey @yshish -- my reading of it is that she was losing her penguins because she went to the FAQs mid-classification.
It's not a bug... it's just how the interface works, you can't leave the screen in the middle of a classification and then return to it with all your markings.
So I somewhat agree that we should make the FAQs... which one is likely to open mid-classification... open in a new window. Except that when the FAQs are in the top bar, that means that only one button from that menu open in a new tab, and that's weird. It's equally weird to have all those buttons open in new tabs (websites don't work that way).
So I'm not 100% sure here. Typically, if I want to open something in a new tab, I know to hold the Command key on my Mac, but sometimes "new tab" is so obviously the only use-case that we set it up to do it automatically. Not sure which case we have here.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to DZM's comment.
I meant this part: 'Also, sometime my session is lost while I am in the midst of classifying lots (over 100) penguins, this means that my work is lost.'
by MariaCosta
When we do mouse over a picture on the discussion page, the magnifier is much better than the one of the adult or chick circle marks. It's sharper than the big one.Unfortunatelly there is way to go back to the picture once we've finished marking. This magnifier has shown me animals I had not seen clearly on the bigger picture. Could it be somehow enhanced the same way?
by DZM admin in response to yshish's comment.
@mhwallace01 -- please clarify for me -- is something cancelling your session other than clicking the FAQ button, or other buttons on the site?
by mhwallace01 in response to DZM's comment.
yes, my internet session drops
by mhwallace01 in response to yshish's comment.
The blue button is only there if you go th talk from classifying. Otherwise, there is no way back.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to mhwallace01's comment.
Please, could you tell exactly what happens from the first step the image loads for the classification? Or could you make a screenshot (in case it would show us something)?
Thanks for reporting! Hope it can be reproduced and fixed soon.
by gardenmaeve moderator
mhwallace01- Here's a question for you. On pages where you DON'T see the blue "Return to Classifying" The black buttons across the top should be:
Home Classify Profile Science Team FAQ Discuss BlogClicking on the black "Classify" button takes you back to the Classifying page. Does that work for you? Have I understood your question?
by Zilli translator
a bug: in the menu "others" the pictures do not show up.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to Zilli's comment.
Hi @Zilli
Yeah, it is a reported problem. Hovering over the pop-up with your cursor should solve that temporarily - they should load immediately after. But you have to repeat this movement each time you open it. No better solution for now. There are currently no developers available to look at it.. Everyone's too busy with other things.
Thanks for reporting anyway 😃
by jennfurr
when I chose "other", I get the list of items fine , but when I choose the "ok" button, it places another crosshair on the screen. then when I click the x to delete it, it places another crosshair on the screen where the x was. it usually takes about two or three entries before it has moved off the penguin screen enough to go away. also, would be nice to have the other crosshair magnify as the others do.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to jennfurr's comment.
Hello @jennfurr
May I ask you for more details? What device are you working on? Is it a touch screen device/tablet? What browser and OS are you working on?
It could help the developers to reproduce your bug and then fix it.http://www.whatsmybrowser.org/ This page may help you if you don't know what I'm asking you for.
Thanks and sorry for the troubles.
by jennfurr
I'm on an android phone, version 4.4.2, on a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini. For the browser I use Firefox beta 42.0b4. not a big deal if it can't be reproduced or fixed, as I know this site really isn't meant to be accessed on a phone. but it's one of the few zooniverse sites I CAN do on a cellphone!
by yshish moderator, translator in response to jennfurr's comment.
Ah, I'm having the same troubles while using a touch screen too 😕
There are a number of missing/broken image icons in the User interface.
Especially in the Other selector which gives you a choise of what the other observation is but the images to help identifaction are not displayed properly/at all.Posted
by gardenmaeve moderator
Hello, @andrewmaguire . The images display delay for the 'Other' menu is a known issue, but not a problem. Just mouse over that section and the image choices will appear correctly. Does that help?
by 141Dial34
The counter doesn't consistently increase in stats even though I am signed in.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to 141Dial34's comment.
What counter do you mean? The one on the home page showing how many images have been classified and how many volunteers contribute to PW? Or the one on your Zooniverse profile page with the ribbon, showing your contributions to individual projects?
If the counter on the project home page, well, they sometimes don't correspond with the real numbers. Not sure what causes it but Zooniverse is aware of that. If it is your own personal statistics, then it is a problem we should solve!
Thanks for letting us know.
by 141Dial34 in response to yshish's comment.
Hi, sorry I didn't know you replied..the personal stats number on ones Zooniverse ribbon.Mine has been stuck for weeks & yes I am signed in.I don't care as long as the figures all work for you.
by yshish moderator, translator in response to 141Dial34's comment.
But we're not OK with that if your ribbon doesn't count your contribution! :] We want you to be able to see the progress. Let me discuss that with the Zooniverse guys. Could you please tell me what browser/OS are you working on? Do you switch devices or use only one? If you can try it from another one, does it work? Thanks!
by yshish moderator, translator in response to 141Dial34's comment.
Is it a problem of Penguin Watch stats only or some more projects? If you haven't tried any other project, could you please test it for us? Thanks!
by 141Dial34
Opera is the browser now as I have Windows Vista .I used to use Chrome but it is no longer supports Vista so I changed. Same computer.Only have 1 computer available.My regular project is Wardiary which works just fine.4 other projects work OK also.
by KateTaylor2
I'm able to access the Daily Zooniverse and Pengiun Watch web pages with no problems, but when I go to www.zooniverse.org all I get is a blank page so I can't see what other projects are available. Any ideas why? Thanks.
by yshish moderator, translator
Thank you guys, I've sent you private messages..
by KateTaylor2 in response to yshish's comment.
Item 6 on the unresolved list (can't mark penguins in the right hand margin) was a problem for me when using Safari. I fixed it by zooming out until the cursor responded properly.
by jennfurr
Has there been an update to the coding in the last day or two? When I'm accessing from my phone (Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini - Android), I can't tag anything any more. I can click on the buttons that say "yes there are penguins" and "finished marking", but when I try to mark on something, it zooms the entire picture instead of just the crosshairs, and then refuses to let me check any more. It won't zoom out.
by gardenmaeve moderator
Hi, @jennfurr . I'll pass along your report.
by brooks222
within the last week, i am unable to click on more than one penguin. once i click, the image enlarges and won't accept any more clicks.
by AvastMH moderator
Oh - that sounds very annoying, I am sorry to hear it. Please could you give us some more details:
What sort of computer you use (e.g. IBM, Apple mac etc)
What system you use (Windows, Unix, Tablet, etc)
What browser(s) you are using?
That will help the developers to look for the error 😃 I hope we can sort the problem soon for you. Thank you for continuing to try to count penguins!
Best wishes,
Joan (AvastMH)
by jennfurr
I found I can unclick the magnifying crosshair.... unless it's on the right hand border because that runs into the other bug where the crosshair is under the edge of the border and can't be clicked on unless you move it off the penguin you've counted.
in my case I'm using Firefox 42.0b4 on my Samsung Galaxy s4 mini running Android 4.4.2
by AvastMH moderator
Thank you jenfurr! I'll pass your comments on. I've had one or two other similar situations over the last few days. Just waiting to find out if that's a problem associated with androids. Had a go with mine yesterday and didn't have trouble - but perhaps I was not marking in the same way with pengs ont the picture edges. Very frustrating.
Anyway Yshish has kindly posted the error to the developers and I'm passing on any other really useful info such as your own, and bienle's having trouble too. Hopefully that will all help to find a cure asap. 😃
by yshish moderator, translator
Thank you all very much for your problem reports. Zooniverse developers haven't actively developed on this project for a while and new issues are most likely user / browser specific. The only reproduced new bug is the one with magnifier so far: APZ0007hyr
So please, it would be extremely helpful if you could try the classification in a different browser and to try set the incongnito mode / disable all extensions. And then let us know whether the problem is still there for you.
Once again, thank you all for your help, we really appreciate it!
Pebbles for you all,
by gardenmaeve moderator
For those who don't know, "incognito mode" is the same as a "private", "private browsing", or "private window" setting. In this way one can avoid the cookies and history that may otherwise interfere with some browsers. 😃
by yshish moderator, translator in response to gardenmaeve's comment.
Thanks, @gardenmaeve
by jennfurr
thanks. I couldn't get it to work in chrome.. the crosshairs were offset by many penguin - widths, so it just didn't work. but doing incognito mode in Firefox worked. no more weird full - screen agnification, though, the bug with the problem with the crosshair on the edge of the screen still exist. I'm getting some weird screen behavior but nothing that can't be ignored.
I've been having the same magnifier problem as well.
However, I've just updated to the latest version of Firefox for Mac (45.0.1) and the problem has gone!Right, back to counting penguins...
by gardenmaeve moderator
Thank you for that information, @Noelthecyclist . It's helpful for others having the same problem, I'm sure.
by AvastMH moderator
Just a quick note to say 'Hello' to you Noelthecyclist! 😄
by yshish moderator, translator
One of the developers, Jim, said that Firefox had just updated from v44 to v45 and he couldn't reproduce this issue any more, so maybe it was an FF bug that's fixed in the latest release.
I've just shared your reports on GH. Thanks for your help, guys, you're great!
by moonstone53
What do I have to do to get the option to choose a colour for an adult, chick or egg.
I accidently did something and it popped up...but can't figure out where to click to access it.Thanks
A new counter...ShirlyPosted
by AvastMH moderator in response to moonstone53's comment.
Hi Shirly! All you need to do is click on top of the word that you need so if you want chick' put your mouse over 'chick' and click (or if you are working on a touchscreen simply touch that word with your finger).. You will notice that the bar changes to black from grey:
Let us know if you still have trouble (this funny thing caught me out when I started 😉 )
by helade
This behavior just started today. I locate the cursor in the center of an animal's body (approximately), and click to mark it, and the circle appears elsewhere on the photo. Usually close to the animal I want to mark, but not on it.
by AvastMH moderator
Hello helade...that's odd. Please can you send us the following details?
What browser you are using, what type of machine (computer, laptop, tablet, android phone etc), and what operating system (e.g. Window, Mac/Apple, Linux)
We have had some problems with Firefox recently - if you are using that browser you should certainly try swapping to Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
Hope to hear from you soon 😃
by yshish moderator, translator in response to helade's comment.
First try opening it in an incognito window please and let us know whether it changed or not. Thanks for any more details you can provide us.
by Sparry63
Why does the ap suddenly stop,and leave the site often in mid count
by AvastMH moderator
Hi Sparry63! Please can you tell us what sort of machine you are working on please. Are you using a computer.or laptop or phone? And what browser are you using please (we have had problems with Firefox recently)?
Thank you!
by DrPongo
Not so much a bug as a problematic "feature" - I had done several penguin counts before I scrolled down to see that there was a place to choose what species I was seeing. I wonder how many others eager to count penguins are leaving it at the default species.
by gardenmaeve moderator
Those photos at the bottom of the Classification page have absolutely nothing to do with your Classification data, @DrPongo. They are simply reminders of what each species' chicks and adults look like to help you choose "Adult" or "Chick" marks correctly. Does that set your mind at ease?
We're always looking for ways to improve the information here, so thank you for your observations. 😃
There are some bug fixes there, please correct them soon
by AvastMH moderator in response to MarioBalotelli's comment.
Hello MarioBalotelli,
If you have found some problems with the working of the website please help us by specifying them. To protect the penguins we are happy to ensure that bugs that might prevent our volunteers from providing this vital data are able to do so. Many thanks, AvastMH (Moderator)
by Gertarud
Hi, not sure this is the right spot for my issue.
I have not been on penguinwatch for a while now and now I have a problem with marking the penguins. If I click on a penguin, the whole image magnifies, not only the circle for marking. By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, the image returns to the original size. When marking another penguin the same happens again.
Is there a solution for this?
Thanks in advance!
by gardenmaeve moderator
So good to see you again, @Gertarud !
Others who have encountered this issue found all they needed to do was to update their browser. You may also find a different browser works best. I have the best luck with Firefox, Chrome works well for many, while Internet Explorer seems to have problems. It's always a good idea to clear cookies and history.
Please, can you tell us what browser you are using? If you follow these suggestions and find the problem is solved, we'd like to know, and if you continue to have trouble we'd very much like to know so we can help. 😃
hi, my thing won't let me mark up the animals in any way
im just supposed to click on them right? or am i doing something horribly wrong or is there a bug?Posted
by gardenmaeve moderator
Hi, @angelicaschuyler - It may be as simple as this: Before you try to click on the penguins, did you click on the "Yes"?
by gardenmaeve moderator
Good. I'm glad. (Careful with the capslock, though- it looks like shouting. 😉 )
by Gertarud in response to gardenmaeve's comment.
I'm using Firefox and hadn't had this problem before. I will try again now and will let you know if the problem still exists.
by Gertarud in response to gardenmaeve's comment.
Just tried, and the problem still exists. I will try my computer at home. Maybe it will work there.
by AvastMH moderator in response to Gertarud's comment.
Hi Gertarud, That's annoying for you.
OK - let us know what happens when you get home. I just tried Firefox and Chrome. No trouble with Chrome, but Firefox was going a bit slow.
Make sure you've cleared your cookies cache and think about using a private browsing page. I have my fingers crossed. Looking forward to hearing from you! AvastMHPosted
by gardenmaeve moderator
> by Erin101 Hello people. Im new hete. And am having issue no pictures are loading , i can see thebut guestion on if there are penguins in this picture ........... Posted June 21 2016 5:11 AM
Welcome, @Erin101 - Let's make sure I understand the problem. You see the "Are there any penguins or other animals in this image?" question but no image?
Please, tell us what server you are using- Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. What device- cell phone, tablet, desktop, etc. We have found that IE doesn't work well with many Zooniverse projects. Could you try using a different server? Let us know if that helps, please.
We want you to be able to access Penguin Watch. 😃
by AvastMH moderator
November 24/25/26 - slow loading images/slow collection/delay on placing comments into the commentary field of the Talk page.
coldcounter has reported the following, and I can support this with my own experience::
And I have just popped back again and suddenly there are twelve hours plus of comment photos there that haven't been before...
And collect button isn't functioning again yet... A couple of other little hiccups too.PM to go to developer now.
PenguinWatch volunteers - thank you for you patience with these delays. 😃
by gardenmaeve moderator
Thanks very much for taking notice, @AvastMH . And yes indeed, thank you to PW volunteers for your usual good humoured patience! We are thankful for you. 😃
Other projects using the same platform as PW also had trouble yesterday- it seems to be fixed. Is anyone still having trouble loading, seeing or leaving comments, or Collecting images today, please?
by AvastMH moderator in response to gardenmaeve's comment.
Thanks @gardenmaeve 😃 Sounds like it was a system wide glitch then. I certainly haven't had any trouble today...anyone else able to report back please?
by coldcounter
All good in Australia again. Uploading, comments, collect etc all seem to be working fine. Mind you ... I did go and play in other zooniverse projects when all I could get was a blank page at PW 😃 😃 .
by gardenmaeve moderator
- Hurrah!
- You're allowed, even encouraged to do so! 😄